Hello, my name is Griffin aka The Delivery Boy. I am an artist, mostly musical, but I enjoy all things creative. I crave originality and pushing my work to the highest degree I can (with the tools I am given). My music is by far my most populated area of work. I have released one solo project called "Disintegration," and I have a fair amount of work under my group Guest List. Which includes one debut album that I am very, very proud of called "When the Light of the Moon Hits the Shore,". Guest List also has various singles, and EPs released. For more info check us out on streaming services, or check under the "MUSIC" tab. I also have various experience in video production / editing. Most of my work has to do with music videos. My most recent work is shooting, directing, and editing my friends music video. Guest List has also released two or three music videos which I have heavily assisted with. All of these can be found under the "VIDEO" tab. Lastly since I do so much with cameras I'm bound to take a photo here or there, and you can see all of my photography under the "PHOTO" tab. | [portrait of the artist] |